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Webhooks allow you to subscribe to server-side notifications of events, like completing jobs and newly available data. Webhooks are helpful to optimize your Pinwheel integration.

Subscribing to Webhook Events

You can register a webhook endpoint by sending a request to create a webhook specifying the events to subscribe to with the enabled_events parameter. You should explicitly enumerate the events you'd like to subscribe to (e.g., ['direct_deposit_switch.added', 'income.added']). Webhook endpoints must be https:// so that the event payloads can be transmitted securely.

POST /v1/webhooks
Content-Type: application/json
x-api-secret: YOUR-API-SECRET

  "url": "",
  "status": "active",
  "enabled_events": [

Webhook Pause Policy

Webhook endpoints that fail to return a successful response code (200 OK) for 30 consecutive days will be set to status: paused to avoid unnecessary delivery attempts.

Webhook Event Handling

Webhook events are delivered over HTTPS to the endpoint you registered. An example event is:

POST /webhook-endpoint
Content-Type: application/json
x-pinwheel-signature: v2=36a0c8d2049601b11290ebcae3348f627cba32889ca5ac3c8ff7ece1fef1ad8f
x-pinwheel-webhook-id: 61788409-8314-4e89-9300-ae7b9d3ccff5
x-timestamp: 1609205925

  "event": "direct_deposit_switch.added",
  "event_id": "5a141122-4235-4fa1-bd76-0628573880b0",
  "payload": {

Verifying Pinwheel is the Sender

Pinwheel signs all webhook events it sends to your endpoints by including a signature in each event's x-pinwheel-signature header. You can use this signature to verify that the events were sent by Pinwheel, not by a third party. Learn more at Webhook Signature Verification.

Retry Policy

Pinwheel expects a response within 15 seconds from your endpoint. Pinwheel will redeliver a webhook event if your webhook endpoint returns a failure (5XX status codes or network issues). Up to 5 subsequent delivery attempts will be made with exponential backoff including jitter in the 15 minutes following the initial delivery attempt.

Handling Duplicate Events

The event_id request body parameter is unique for each webhook event. This can be used to guard against potential duplicate events and make your system idempotent. It can also be used to troubleshoot webhook event specific issues, so we recommend logging this identifier.

Webhook events are delivered with "at least once" guarantees, meaning that (rarely) the same webhook event will be delivered to your system multiple times.

Webhook Request Body

All webhook requests have a JSON body with the following parameters:

eventstringWebhook event, e.g., direct_deposit_switch.added.
event_idstringUnique ID for each webhook event.
payloadobjectPayload attributes vary based on event.

Webhook Request Headers

All webhook requests have the following headers:

x-pinwheel-signaturestringSee Webhook Signature Verification.
x-pinwheel-webhook-idstringID of the webhook created via the POST /webhooks endpoint.
x-timestampintegerWhen the request was sent in Unix epoch time seconds.

Pending Webhook Job Outcomes

All job-associated webhook events include an outcome in the payload. The outcome represents the status of a job, and it can be either success, error, or pending. A pending status indicates that a job was unable to be completed on its first attempt and will be retried up to 24 hours after the initial attempt. A job with a pending status will transition to either an error or a success within the 24-hour window, and you will be notified with another webhook event.

Webhook Events

Account Webhook Events


User successfully logs into their payroll accounts. This webhook correlates to the onLogin callback.

Payload Schema

Payload ParamTypeDescription
account_idstringUUID of the payroll account.
end_user_idstringThe user identifier you specified when creating the Link token, if provided.
link_token_idstringUUID of the Link token used to initialize Link.
platform_idstringUUID of the payroll platform associated with this account.
platform_namestringThe name of the payroll platform associated with this account.
created_atstringISO 8601 timestamp of payroll account creation.
connectedbooleanIf set to true, you can retrieve new information for the account on a recurring basis.
monitoring_statusstringDescribes the automated ability of Pinwheel to retrieve new account information. See account.monitoring_status.updated for possible values.

Sample Webhook Event

  "event": "account.added",
  "event_id": "5a141122-4235-4fa1-bd76-0628573880b0",
  "payload": {
    "account_id": "03bbc20e-bc39-464a-b4dc-4b63ffb7213d",
    "end_user_id": "my_user_12345",
    "link_token_id": "7c4ac4be-4a0e-4468-ab26-c42b249b233b",
    "platform_id": "fce3eee0-285b-496f-9b36-30e976194736",
    "platform_name": "Justworks",
    "created_at": "2021-01-12T02:36:01.287148+00:00",
    "connected": true,
    "monitoring_status": "active"


This webhook event evaluates the data retrieved from the payroll account to determine if another account (e.g., a T&A account) could provide additional data and provides a suggested action to take.

See Supplement Shifts with T&A Platforms for more information on how to work with the recommendations provided by this webhook event.

Payload Schema

Payload ParamTypeDescription
account_idstringUUID of the payroll account.
end_user_idstringThe user identifier you specified when creating the Link token, if provided.
additional_platformsarrayA list of platform connection recommendations.
additional_platforms.platform_typestringThe type of the platform this recommendation is for. Currently, only supports "time_and_attendance".
additional_platforms.actionstringOne of none, login, search, or ask. See Supplement Shifts with T&A Platforms for more information on how to work with these recommendations.
additional_platforms.platform_id (optional)stringUUID of the recommended platform, if we recommended connecting to it (i.e., action is login).
link_token_idstringUUID of the Link token used to initialize Link.

Sample Webhook Event

  "event": "account.additional_connections_recommended",
  "event_id": "5a141122-4235-4fa1-bd76-0628573880b0",
  "payload": {
    "account_id": "03bbc20e-bc39-464a-b4dc-4b63ffb7213d",
    "end_user_id": "my_user_12345",
    "link_token_id": "158dc949-84a3-4c81-bf7f-2977b4d70048",
    "additional_platforms": [
            "platform_type": "time_and_attendance",
            "action": "login",
            "platform_id": "7ceec993-c958-4b90-b419-fda2506b612d"


Pinwheel's ability to monitor a payroll account has changed (i.e. DDA and I&E).

Several monitoring statuses are possible:

activePinwheel is monitoring for data changes daily.
degradedPinwheel is trying to monitor but seeing spurious errors and may be unable to return data for the time being. You may want to use this to inform users about laggy data.
user_action_requiredYou need to use On Demand Updates to have a user re-complete the login process.
unavailablePinwheel doesn’t support monitoring for this account.
customer_disabledYou used POST /v1/accounts/{id}/disable_monitoring to manually turn off monitoring.

Payload Schema

Payload ParamTypeDescription
account_idstringUUID of the payroll account.
end_user_idstringThe user identifier you specified when the user initially connected to the account, if provided.
updated_atstringISO 8601 timestamp of when Pinwheel updated the monitoring_status for this account.
current_monitoring_statusstringThe latest monitoring status for the account. See the table above for a set of possible values.

Sample Webhook Event

  "event": "account.monitoring_status.updated",
  "event_id": "5a141122-4235-4fa1-bd76-0123456780b0",
  "payload": {
    "current_monitoring_status": "active",
    "account_id": "449e7a5c-69d3-4b8a-aaaf-5c9b713ebc65",
    "end_user_id": "my_user_12345",
    "updated_at": "2021-01-12T02:36:01.287148+00:00"

Direct Deposit Webhook Events

Direct Deposit webhook events will notify you when new direct deposit allocation data is available for a payroll account or a direct deposit job completed.


Direct deposit allocations data is now available for the payroll account.

Payload Schema

Payload ParamTypeDescription
account_idstringUUID of the payroll account.
end_user_idstringThe user identifier you specified when the user initially connected to the payroll account, if provided.
outcomestringThe outcome of the job, either success, error, or pending. If pending you will receive another webhook with outcome as success or error within 24 hours.
error_code (optional)stringOn error, a string describing the error.
error_type (optional)stringOn error, a high level classification of the error.
timestampstringISO 8601 timestamp of job completion.
namestringName of the job.
link_token_idstringUUID of Link token used to initialize Link, or an undefined link token if triggered by a refresh job (such as from DDA Monitoring). You should use account_id as the main identifier.
idstringDeprecated. UUID of the job. You should use account_id as the main identifier.

Sample Webhook Event

  "event": "direct_deposit_allocations.added",
  "event_id": "5a141122-4235-4fa1-bd76-0628573880b0",
  "payload": {
    "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
    "account_id": "449e7a5c-69d3-4b8a-aaaf-5c9b713ebc65",
    "end_user_id": "my_user_12345",
    "link_token_id": "4787acbc-11cf-4db3-998c-5ea7c4feebcd",
    "name": "direct_deposit_allocations",
    "timestamp": "2021-01-12T02:36:01.287148+00:00",
    "outcome": "success"


A direct_deposit_switch job to add a new direct deposit allocation completed.

We are currently in the process of updating this webhook to the new structure outlined below. This change will be rolled out on 8/1, but you may opt-in to it at an earlier time. To view the old structure, scroll down to the next section below.

Payload Schema
Payload ParamTypeDescription
account_idstringUUID of the payroll account.
end_user_idstringThe user identifier you specified when the user initially connected to the payroll account, if provided.
params (optional)objectParameters of the job, if applicable.
params.actionstringIndicates whether the direct_deposit_switch was a full_switch or a partial_switch.
params.allocation (optional)objectThe allocation that was created/updated during a direct_deposit_switch. Only present when params.action is partial_switch
params.allocation.typestringIndicates whether this is a remainder, amount or percentage allocation.
params.allocation.value (optional)integerThe value (if any) for this allocation. Will be set if the type is percentage or amount.
outcomestringThe outcome of the job, either success, error, or pending. If pending you will receive another webhook with outcome as success or error within 24 hours.
error_code (optional)stringOn error, a string describing the error.
error_type (optional)stringOn error, a high level classification of the error.
timestampstringISO 8601 timestamp of job completion.
namestringName of the job.
link_token_idstringUUID of Link token used to initialize Link, or an undefined link token if triggered by a refresh job (such as from DDA Monitoring). You should use account_id as the main identifier.
idstringDeprecated. UUID of the job. You should use account_id as the main identifier.
Sample Webhook Events
  • A partial amount switch creates a fixed-amount allocation on the payroll account.
  • A partial percentage switch creates a percentage-based allocation on the payroll account.
  • A remainder switch replaces the existing remainder allocation on a payroll account and leaves existing allocations unaffected.
  "event": "direct_deposit_switch.added",
  "event_id": "5a141122-4235-4fa1-bd76-0628573880b0",
  "payload": {
    "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
    "account_id": "449e7a5c-69d3-4b8a-aaaf-5c9b713ebc65",
    "end_user_id": "my_user_12345",
    "link_token_id": "4787acbc-11cf-4db3-998c-5ea7c4feebcd",
    "name": "direct_deposit_switch",
    "timestamp": "2021-01-12T02:36:01.287148+00:00",
    "outcome": "success",
    "params": {
      "action": "partial_switch",
      "allocation": {"type": "amount", "value": 5400}
  "event": "direct_deposit_switch.added",
  "event_id": "5a141122-4235-4fa1-bd76-0628573880b0",
  "payload": {
    "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
    "account_id": "449e7a5c-69d3-4b8a-aaaf-5c9b713ebc65",
    "end_user_id": "my_user_12345",
    "link_token_id": "4787acbc-11cf-4db3-998c-5ea7c4feebcd",
    "name": "direct_deposit_switch",
    "timestamp": "2021-01-12T02:36:01.287148+00:00",
    "outcome": "success",
    "params": {
      "action": "partial_switch",
      "allocation": {"type": "percentage", "value": 33}
  "event": "direct_deposit_switch.added",
  "event_id": "5a141122-4235-4fa1-bd76-0628573880b0",
  "payload": {
    "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
    "account_id": "449e7a5c-69d3-4b8a-aaaf-5c9b713ebc65",
    "end_user_id": "my_user_12345",
    "link_token_id": "4787acbc-11cf-4db3-998c-5ea7c4feebcd",
    "name": "direct_deposit_switch",
    "timestamp": "2021-01-12T02:36:01.287148+00:00",
    "outcome": "success",
    "params": {
      "action": "partial_switch",
      "allocation": {"type": "remainder"}

To be deprecated on 8/1/22

Previously, params.amount was used to represent the amount of the new direct deposit allocation. We will be deprecating this key on 8/1 in favor of the new structure outlined above, but you can upgrade at any time by reaching out to us.

Payload ParamTypeDescription
params.amount (optional)integerThe amount to allocate per paycheck in pennies, if applicable.
Sample Webhook Event
  "event": "direct_deposit_switch.added",
  "event_id": "5a141122-4235-4fa1-bd76-0628573880b0",
  "payload": {
    "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
    "account_id": "449e7a5c-69d3-4b8a-aaaf-5c9b713ebc65",
    "end_user_id": "my_user_12345",
    "link_token_id": "4787acbc-11cf-4db3-998c-5ea7c4feebcd",
    "name": "direct_deposit_switch",
    "timestamp": "2021-01-12T02:36:01.287148+00:00",
    "outcome": "success",
    "params": {
			amount: 5400 

Income & Employment Webhooks

Income and Employment webhook events will notify you when the data for a given product is ready to be retrieved. The payload is summary information, not the data itself. After receiving a webhook event, call the corresponding endpoint to retrieve the account data.


Employment data for the payroll account is available. Use account_id in the payload to query the Get Employment endpoint to fetch the data.

Payload Schema

Payload ParamTypeDescription
account_idstringUUID of the payroll account.
end_user_idstringThe user identifier you specified when the user initially connected to the payroll account, if provided.
outcomestringThe outcome of the job, either success, error, or pending. If pending you will receive another webhook with outcome as success or error within 24 hours.
error_code (optional)stringOn error, a string describing the error.
error_type (optional)stringOn error, a high level classification of the error.
params (optional)objectParameters of the job, if applicable.
timestampstringISO 8601 timestamp of job completion.
namestringName of the job.
link_token_idstringUUID of Link token used to initialize Link, or an undefined link token if triggered by a refresh job (such as from DDA Monitoring). You should use account_id as the main identifier.
idstringDeprecated. UUID of the job. You should use account_id as the main identifier.

Sample Webhook Event

  "event": "employment.added",
  "event_id": "5a141122-4235-4fa1-bd76-0628573880b0",
  "payload": {
    "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
    "account_id": "449e7a5c-69d3-4b8a-aaaf-5c9b713ebc65",
    "end_user_id": "my_user_12345",
    "link_token_id": "4787acbc-11cf-4db3-998c-5ea7c4feebcd",
    "name": "employment",
    "timestamp": "2021-01-12T02:36:01.287148+00:00",
    "outcome": "success"


Identity data for the payroll account is available. Use account_id in the payload to query the Get Identity endpoint to fetch the data.

Payload Schema

Payload ParamTypeDescription
account_idstringUUID of the payroll account.
end_user_idstringThe user identifier you specified when the user initially connected to the payroll account, if provided.
outcomestringThe outcome of the job, either success, error, or pending. If pending you will receive another webhook with outcome as success or error within 24 hours.
error_code (optional)stringOn error, a string describing the error.
error_type (optional)stringOn error, a high level classification of the error.
params (optional)objectParameters of the job, if applicable.
timestampstringISO 8601 timestamp of job completion.
namestringName of the job.
link_token_idstringUUID of Link token used to initialize Link, or an undefined link token if triggered by a refresh job (such as from DDA Monitoring). You should use account_id as the main identifier.
idstringDeprecated. UUID of the job. You should use account_id as the main identifier.

Sample Webhook Event

  "event": "identity.added",
  "event_id": "5a141122-4235-4fa1-bd76-0628573880b0",
  "payload": {
    "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
    "account_id": "449e7a5c-69d3-4b8a-aaaf-5c9b713ebc65",
    "end_user_id": "my_user_12345",
    "link_token_id": "4787acbc-11cf-4db3-998c-5ea7c4feebcd",
    "name": "identity",
    "timestamp": "2021-01-12T02:36:01.287148+00:00",
    "outcome": "success"


Income data for the payroll account is available. Use account_id in the payload to query the Get Income endpoint to fetch the data.

Payload Schema

Payload ParamTypeDescription
account_idstringUUID of the payroll account.
end_user_idstringThe user identifier you specified when the user initially connected to the payroll account, if provided.
outcomestringThe outcome of the job, either success, error, or pending. If pending you will receive another webhook with outcome as success or error within 24 hours.
error_code (optional)stringOn error, a string describing the error.
error_type (optional)stringOn error, a high level classification of the error.
params (optional)objectParameters of the job, if applicable.
timestampstringISO 8601 timestamp of job completion.
namestringName of the job.
link_token_idstringUUID of Link token used to initialize Link, or an undefined link token if triggered by a refresh job (such as from DDA Monitoring). You should use account_id as the main identifier.
idstringDeprecated. UUID of the job. You should use account_id as the main identifier.

Sample Webhook Event

  "event": "income.added",
  "event_id": "5a141122-4235-4fa1-bd76-0628573880b0",
  "payload": {
    "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
    "account_id": "449e7a5c-69d3-4b8a-aaaf-5c9b713ebc65",
    "end_user_id": "my_user_12345",
    "link_token_id": "4787acbc-11cf-4db3-998c-5ea7c4feebcd",
    "name": "income",
    "timestamp": "2021-01-12T02:36:01.287148+00:00",
    "outcome": "success"


A set of Paystubs are available. The params describes which paystubs. Use account_id in the payload to query the Get Paystub endpoint to fetch them.

Payload Schema

Payload ParamTypeDescription
account_idstringUUID of the payroll account.
end_user_idstringThe user identifier you specified when the user initially connected to the payroll account, if provided.
outcomestringThe outcome of the job, either success, error, or pending. If pending you will receive another webhook with outcome as success or error within 24 hours.
paramsobjectParameters of the job, if applicable.
error_code (optional)stringOn error, a string describing the error.
error_type (optional)stringOn error, a high level classification of the error.
timestampstringISO 8601 timestamp of job completion.
namestringName of the job.
addedarrayA list of objects specifying IDs of the new paystubs that were added to the payroll account.
deletedarrayA list of objects specifying IDs of the old paystubs that were removed from the payroll account.
link_token_idstringUUID of Link token used to initialize Link, or an undefined link token if triggered by a refresh job (such as from DDA Monitoring). You should use account_id as the main identifier.
idstringDeprecated. UUID of the job. You should use account_id as the main identifier.

Sample Webhook Event

  "event": "paystubs.added",
  "event_id": "5a141122-4235-4fa1-bd76-0628573880b0",
  "payload": {
    "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
    "account_id": "449e7a5c-69d3-4b8a-aaaf-5c9b713ebc65",
    "end_user_id": "my_user_12345",
    "link_token_id": "4787acbc-11cf-4db3-998c-5ea7c4feebcd",
    "name": "paystubs",
    "timestamp": "2021-01-12T02:36:01.287148+00:00",
    "outcome": "success",
    "added": [{"id": "dbff9830-55ce-4aa5-82f1-e04f196da041"}],
    "deleted": [{"id": "57043868-6fb3-47e8-a2b7-c993bd023f25"}],
    "params": {
      "from_pay_date": "2020-10-01",
      "to_pay_date": "2020-12-31",
      "count": 6,
      "sync_status": "in_progress",

Paystubs Sync Events

A paystubs sync event will trigger as soon as the relevant data has been retrieved. If there isn't enough data to meet the 30d or 90d threshold, that event will be skipped. The sync status events are:

  • paystubs.seven_days_synced: Triggered when 7 days of paystubs have been collected
  • paystubs.thirty_days_synced: Triggered when 30 days of paystubs have been collected
  • paystubs.ninety_days_synced: Triggered when 90 days of paystubs have been collected
  • paystubs.fully_synced: Triggered when all available paystubs have been collected
Payload Schema
Payload ParamTypeDescription
account_idstringUUID of the payroll account.
end_user_idstringThe user identifier you specified when the user initially connected to the payroll account, if provided.
outcomestringThe outcome of the job, either success, error, or pending. If pending you will receive another webhook with outcome as success or error within 24 hours.
paramsobjectParameters of the job, if applicable.
error_code (optional)stringOn error, a string describing the error.
error_type (optional)stringOn error, a high level classification of the error.
timestampstringISO 8601 timestamp of job completion.
namestringName of the job.
link_token_idstringUUID of Link token used to initialize Link, or an undefined link token if triggered by a refresh job (such as from DDA Monitoring). You should use account_id as the main identifier.
idstringDeprecated. UUID of the job. You should use account_id as the main identifier.
Sample Webhook Events
  "event": "paystubs.seven_days_synced",
  "event_id": "5a141122-4235-4fa1-bd76-0628573880b0",
    "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
    "account_id": "449e7a5c-69d3-4b8a-aaaf-5c9b713ebc65",
    "end_user_id": "my_user_12345",
    "link_token_id": "4787acbc-11cf-4db3-998c-5ea7c4feebcd",
    "name": "paystubs",
    "timestamp": "2021-01-12T02:36:01.287148+00:00",
    "outcome": "success",
    "params": {
      "from_pay_date": "2020-12-15",
      "to_pay_date": "2020-12-21",
      "count": 1
  "event": "paystubs.thirty_days_synced",
  "event_id": "5a141122-4235-4fa1-bd76-0628573880b0",
    "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
    "account_id": "449e7a5c-69d3-4b8a-aaaf-5c9b713ebc65",
    "end_user_id": "my_user_12345",
    "link_token_id": "4787acbc-11cf-4db3-998c-5ea7c4feebcd",
    "name": "paystubs",
    "timestamp": "2021-01-12T02:36:01.287148+00:00",
    "outcome": "success",
    "params": {
      "from_pay_date": "2020-11-20",
      "to_pay_date": "2020-12-14",
      "count": 2
  "event": "paystubs.ninety_days_synced",
  "event_id": "5a141122-4235-4fa1-bd76-0628573880b0",
    "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
    "account_id": "449e7a5c-69d3-4b8a-aaaf-5c9b713ebc65",
    "end_user_id": "my_user_12345",
    "link_token_id": "4787acbc-11cf-4db3-998c-5ea7c4feebcd",
    "name": "paystubs",
    "timestamp": "2021-01-12T02:36:01.287148+00:00",
    "outcome": "success",
    "params": {
      "from_pay_date": "2020-08-15",
      "to_pay_date": "2020-11-29",
      "count": 6
  "event": "paystubs.fully_synced",
  "event_id": "5a141122-4235-4fa1-bd76-0628573880b0",
    "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
    "account_id": "449e7a5c-69d3-4b8a-aaaf-5c9b713ebc65",
    "end_user_id": "my_user_12345",
    "link_token_id": "4787acbc-11cf-4db3-998c-5ea7c4feebcd",
    "name": "paystubs",
    "timestamp": "2021-01-12T02:36:01.287148+00:00",
    "outcome": "success",
    "params": {
      "from_pay_date": "2020-08-01",
      "to_pay_date": "2020-08-14",
      "count": 2


A set of Shifts are available. The params describes the number of shifts. Use account_id in the payload to query the List Shifts endpoint to fetch them.

Payload Schema

Payload ParamTypeDescription
account_idstringUUID of the payroll account.
end_user_idstringThe user identifier you specified when the user initially connected to the payroll account, if provided.
outcomestringThe outcome of the job, either success, error, or pending. If pending you will receive another webhook with outcome as success or error within 24 hours.
params (optional)objectInput parameters to the job, if applicable.
error_code (optional)stringOn error, a string describing the error.
timestampstringISO 8601 timestamp of job completion.
namestringName of the job.
addedarrayA list of objects specifying IDs of the new shifts that were added to the payroll account.
deletedarrayA list of objects specifying IDs of the old shifts that were removed from the payroll account.
link_token_idstringUUID of Link token used to initialize Link, or an undefined link token if triggered by a refresh job (such as from DDA Monitoring). You should use account_id as the main identifier.
idstringDeprecated. UUID of the job. You should use account_id as the main identifier.

Sample Webhook Event

  "event": "shifts.added",
  "event_id": "5a141122-4235-4fa1-bd76-0628573880b0",
  "payload": {
    "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
    "account_id": "449e7a5c-69d3-4b8a-aaaf-5c9b713ebc65",
    "end_user_id": "my_user_12345",
    "link_token_id": "4787acbc-11cf-4db3-998c-5ea7c4feebcd",
    "name": "shifts",
    "timestamp": "2021-01-12T02:36:01.287148+00:00",
    "outcome": "success",
    "added": [{"id": "dbff9830-55ce-4aa5-82f1-e04f196da041"}],
    "deleted": [{"id": "57043868-6fb3-47e8-a2b7-c993bd023f25"}],
    "params": {
      "count": 14,
      "sync_status": "complete",

Shifts Sync Events

A shifts sync event will trigger as soon as the relevant data has been retrieved. If there isn't enough data to meet the 30d or 90d threshold, that event will be skipped. The sync status events are:

  • shifts.seven_days_synced: Triggered when 7 days of shifts have been collected
  • shifts.thirty_days_synced: Triggered when 30 days of shifts have been collected
  • shifts.ninety_days_synced: Triggered when 90 days of shifts have been collected
  • shifts.fully_synced: Triggered when all available shifts have been collected

Note that only 90 days of data are collected for shifts. Thus, shifts.ninety_days_synced and shifts.fully_synced will trigger at the same time.

Payload Schema
Payload ParamTypeDescription
account_idstringUUID of the payroll account.
end_user_idstringThe user identifier you specified when the user initially connected to the payroll account, if provided.
outcomestringThe outcome of the job, either success, error, or pending. If pending you will receive another webhook with outcome as success or error within 24 hours.
paramsobjectParameters of the job, if applicable.
error_code (optional)stringOn error, a string describing the error.
error_type (optional)stringOn error, a high level classification of the error.
timestampstringISO 8601 timestamp of job completion.
namestringName of the job.
link_token_idstringUUID of Link token used to initialize Link, or an undefined link token if triggered by a refresh job (such as from DDA Monitoring). You should use account_id as the main identifier.
idstringDeprecated. UUID of the job. You should use account_id as the main identifier.
Sample Webhook Event
  "event": "shifts.seven_days_synced",
  "event_id": "5a141122-4235-4fa1-bd76-0628573880b0",
    "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
    "account_id": "449e7a5c-69d3-4b8a-aaaf-5c9b713ebc65",
    "end_user_id": "my_user_12345",
    "link_token_id": "4787acbc-11cf-4db3-998c-5ea7c4feebcd",
    "name": "shifts",
    "timestamp": "2021-01-12T02:36:01.287148+00:00",
    "outcome": "success",
    "params": {
      "count": 6
  "event": "shifts.thirty_days_synced",
  "event_id": "5a141122-4235-4fa1-bd76-0628573880b0",
    "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
    "account_id": "449e7a5c-69d3-4b8a-aaaf-5c9b713ebc65",
    "end_user_id": "my_user_12345",
    "link_token_id": "4787acbc-11cf-4db3-998c-5ea7c4feebcd",
    "name": "shifts",
    "timestamp": "2021-01-12T02:36:01.287148+00:00",
    "outcome": "success",
    "params": {
      "count": 20
  "event": "shifts.ninety_days_synced",
  "event_id": "5a141122-4235-4fa1-bd76-0628573880b0",
    "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
    "account_id": "449e7a5c-69d3-4b8a-aaaf-5c9b713ebc65",
    "end_user_id": "my_user_12345",
    "link_token_id": "4787acbc-11cf-4db3-998c-5ea7c4feebcd",
    "name": "shifts",
    "timestamp": "2021-01-12T02:36:01.287148+00:00",
    "outcome": "success",
    "params": {
      "count": 20
  "event": "shifts.fully_synced",
  "event_id": "5a141122-4235-4fa1-bd76-0628573880b0",
    "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
    "account_id": "449e7a5c-69d3-4b8a-aaaf-5c9b713ebc65",
    "end_user_id": "my_user_12345",
    "link_token_id": "4787acbc-11cf-4db3-998c-5ea7c4feebcd",
    "name": "shifts",
    "timestamp": "2021-01-12T02:36:01.287148+00:00",
    "outcome": "success",
    "params": {
      "count": 20

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