Jack Henry/Banno Onboarding Guide
This guide is for financial institutions ready to integrate the Pinwheel Deposit Switch Plugin into their Jack Henry/Banno online banking app. This plugin (henceforth called the Pinwheel plugin) unlocks instant direct-deposit switching for all users of your online banking app. See our Deposit Switch product page for more.
Getting the Pinwheel plugin installed on your Banno dashboard involves the following key actions:
- Get set up with Pinwheel
- Add Pinwheel as an External App in Banno People
- Configure the Banno application in Pinwheel’s Developer Dashboard
- Create the Pinwheel plugin in Banno People
- Test the plugin in sandbox mode
- Enable it in production mode
The steps below walk you through each of these in detail.
1. Get set up with Pinwheel
This guide assumes you already have access to our Developer Dashboard. If you don’t have this set up yet, please contact us at [email protected] and let us know you're a Jack Henry/Banno customer.
2. Add Pinwheel as an External App in Banno People
Create the Application
Open the Banno People app. Navigate to the External Applications page, and create a new application that will represent the Pinwheel plugin. In the form that opens up, you'll enter the following values:
For the Name, enter "Pinwheel Deposit Switch".
For the Redirect URIs, use a fake value for now - e.g. https://example.com- we'll update it in the next step.
Click Save.
Configure the Application
Re-open your newly created app (by way of the External Applications page). Your client ID should now be viewable, as well as the hidden client secret, which you can unhide.
Redirect URIs
Next, you'll enter two Redirect URIs. For this step, you'll need the Client ID visible at the top of the screen.
The first Redirect URI is https://app.getpinwheel.com/banno/{client_id}/dds
. But instead of {client_id}
, you'll replace it with your Client ID.
For example, if your Client ID is 4d89fac0-1123-430b-ac7c-a44bca71238c
, then the redirect URI will be https://app.getpinwheel.com/banno/4d89fac0-1123-430b-ac7c-a44bca71238c/dds
Click the Add button to the right of the first Redirect URI to save it, which will create a new field for you to enter the second one.
The second redirect URI is https://app.getpinwheel.com/banno/{client_id}/dds_launch
. The easiest thing to do here is copy the first Redirect URI you just created into the second redirect URI input. Then replace the dds
at then end with dds_launch
Application Configuration
- Client Type: select Confidential.
- Check “Require PKCE”
- Leave “User consent required” unchecked
Selecting the Client Type then reveals the following attributes to be configured:
- Link type: select PluginCard
- Link title: enter “Direct Deposit”
- User type: select All
Locate each claim and check each box for:
- Accounts with full account numbers
- Accounts with masked account numbers
- User’s tax ID or social security number (used to check the user's eligibility for PreMatch direct-deposit switching, which bypasses the need for users to log in to their payroll account)
- Institution routing number
- Institution details
- User's first name, or, if missing, username
- Home, mobile, and work phone numbers (also used to check eligibility for PreMatch direct-deposit switching)
- Unique customer identifier (CIF or Member Number)
- Unique identifier for the institution
Click the Enabled toggle at the bottom of the page to enable the External Application. Don't worry, this does not enable anything for your customers.
Finally, click Save.
Note: For the next step, you'll need the Client ID and the Client Secret (you'll need to unhide the secret), so don't close the tab or window yet.
3. Configure the Banno application in Pinwheel’s Developer Dashboard
Head to your Developer Dashboard and select the Banno tab. If you need access to this, contact your Pinwheel customer success team member for assistance.
Once the Banno tab is open:
Enter the Client ID and Client Secret from the previous step.
For the Online App URL, enter the URL your end-users use in order to access your online-banking platform.
Leave the Mode on "sandbox".
The Link Display Name is optional and can be used to override the default value, which is displayed in gray text. This name is used in the intro screen which tells the user " uses Pinwheel to connect to your payroll account".
Click Update Config
4. Create the Pinwheel plugin in Banno People
In this step, you'll create the Pinwheel plugin, which is the card that your users will interact with on their dashboard.
In Banno People, open the Dashboard Configuration page and click the "Create a plugin" button.
Return to Banno People and navigate to Dashboard Configuration. Provide the following values for the properties on this screen:
- Title: Direct Deposit
- Description: Switch direct deposit instantly to your account.
- External Application: select “Pinwheel Deposit Switch”, which is the name you provided in Step 2 when you created the External Application.
- Initial Height: 150
- Icon: circle dollar filled
- Card action (optional): please leave both Label and External Application empty.
- Available to everyone: Leave this off for now. You'll turn this on once you are ready to add the plugin for all of your customers. See the Ready for production! section below for more!
You are now ready to test the Pinwheel plugin!
5. Test the plugin in sandbox mode
You can now enable the Pinwheel plugin for test users in your online-banking dashboard and begin testing!
Alternatively, the Pinwheel plugin is available to test directly in the Banno tab on the Developer Dashboard. At this stage, the Pinwheel plugin makes all requests in Sandbox mode. This means simply that we fake connections to payroll platforms and simulate performing a direct deposit switch. See our docs on Modes for more details.
We use special sandbox credentials to simulate various scenarios. The most basic scenario is a successful direct deposit switch. For instance, other scenarios include:
- a payroll platform asking for an MFA token
- an error with performing the direct deposit switch.
Sandbox credentials for these scenarios and others can be found here.
6. Enable it in production mode
Once Sandbox testing is complete, you're ready to enable the Pinwheel plugin for all customers on your platform!
Reach out to your Pinwheel account executive and request access to Production mode. Once access has been granted, head to the Developers tab on the Developer Dashboard to create an API key in Production mode. Click "Create new key" in the Production section. You will be prompted to save your API secret, as this is the only time you will have access to it. As a Banno customer, it's not strictly necessary for you to manage your API secret. To be clear, it is necessary for you to create a key in production mode, as this signals to Pinwheel that you have access to our Deposit Switch product.
Next, head back to the Banno tab on the Developer Dashboard and update the Mode to "production". Once this is done, any use of the Pinwheel plugin will make production requests.
Return to Banno People and navigate to Dashboard Configuration. Enable the Available to everyone toggle and click Save.
Finally, add the Pinwheel plugin to the default dashboard for your users in an appropriate place.
Congratulations, the Pinwheel plugin is now available for all of your users!
Updated about 1 month ago