Pinwheel automates the tax form retrieval process to help build solutions that make taxes less hassle for your customers. It provides an easy, instant way to access an end-user's tax forms directly from the source to support use cases like tax estimations, tax filing, income and employment verification, and more. Supported form formats include PDF and JSON, and available types include 1040 (from tax platforms), W-2, 1099-K, 1099-MISC, and 1099-NEC.
Benefits of using Pinwheel Taxes
Embed these solutions right into your experience with an out-of-box integration.
- Tax filing: Reduce friction, user input errors, and document processing with tax forms pulled directly from the source. Users do not need to upload their documents or manually input each box.
- Tax estimation: Use the most recent year's tax form to help users estimate their upcoming tax payments for their 1099 job(s) to avoid IRS penalties.
- Tax withholdings optimization: Combine tax forms with paystub data to help users optimize their tax withholdings, giving them more money throughout the year rather than a large refund after filing a return.
- Income & employment verification: Use tax forms to verify total earnings, employer or payer details, taxes withheld, and more as part of income & employment verification.
Updated 4 months ago